“When you release the burdens of ‘your’ love life, they get transferred from the ego and offered like a sacrament to the inner love. ”–Tosha
making the inner divine your beloved
letting go and opening to love
A live, two-hour, video call on Sunday, February 12
at 3 pm EST/Noon PST
“When you release the burdens of ‘your’ love life, they get transferred from the ego and offered like a sacrament to the inner love. ”–Tosha
making the inner divine your beloved
Letting Go and Opening to Love
A live, two-hour, video call on
Sunday, February 12 at 3 pm EST
For years I’ve thought about pulling together a Valentine’s Day class. I’ve always found it tragic that so many people feel alone, abandoned, or unworthy on this supposed Day of the Heart. Because truthfully, the Inner Divine is infinitely ready to BE this Beloved…but I’ve found it must await your invitation.
In this two-hour pop-up course, we’ll throw off the chains of what our crazy culture says about Love and fling open the doors to this Beloved. (And this works on a practical level whether you’re single, coupled, or ‘looking.’ Doesn’t matter).
A wild Bhakti love affair with Love Itself wasn’t meant just for Rumi, Hafiz, or Saint Teresa. It’s your own birthright too.
So come join us ESPECIALLY if you:
Or, simply join us because you’re ready to dive deeper into that passionate, holy One waiting patiently in your own heart.
The class will be live on Zoom on February 12 at 3:00 pm EST / Noon PST. The link for the Zoom video call will be sent out the evening before the scheduled call. It will be recorded and available for you to listen to at your convenience.
For the past 30 years, Tosha has taught people around the world practical ways to align with Inner Love. Crazy but true, until she stopped in 2012 to write and teach, she’d given around 30,000 readings. She’s the author of Outrageous Openness, Change Me Prayers, and It’s Not Your Money. She currently runs Living Outrageous Openness, an online forum that offers daily support to those who want to live from surrender and offering. For more information or to join click here.
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