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Living ‘Outrageous Openness’ Online Forum

Questions frequently come in about what happens in Tosha’s weekly Living ‘Outrageous Openness’ Forum, and so we’ve decided to share the opportunity to get access to a call with her entire audience. 

This work is not self-help. It’s about surrendering to the highest unfolding of the soul’s greatness.


The forum is an incubator for that. Since its inception, it’s become a haven for people seeking grounded sanity and even peace in an increasingly chaotic world. We hope this free call can give you a taste of that. We practice:


  • Letting go, receptivity, and allowing the right actions to arise at the right time (with the help of astrology updates as well),
  • How to take care of the inner child and cultivate the inner warrior.
  • Over time, all this becomes second nature in time, and you’re able to let life live through you, even during intense challenges.

The forum also has a kind and wise online community to support and encourage you on your journey.

‘Infinite Yes’ by Lasha Mutual

Enter your name and email to get access to the free video! 

About Tosha

For the past 30 years, Tosha has taught people around the world practical ways to align with Inner Love. She is the author of Outrageous Openness, Change Me Prayers, and It’s Not Your Money. She lives in the Hudson Valley where she runs Living Outrageous Openness, an online forum that offers daily support to those who want to live these beautiful practices. For more information or to join click here. 

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