About Tosha Silver

For the past 30 years, Tosha has taught people around the world practical ways to align with Inner Love. She is the author of Outrageous Openness, Change Me Prayers, and It’s Not Your Money. She lives in the Hudson Valley where she runs Living Outrageous Openness, an online forum that offers daily support to those who want to live these beautiful practices. For more information or to join click here. 

Learn More about Tosha’s Bestselling Books!

A compilation of funny, irreverently reverent stories on aligning with the Divine in daily life. For the passionately spiritual and bemusedly skeptical alike.

Adapted from a popular column originally published as San Francisco’s Spiritual Examiner at examiner.com.

“What if God IS the story? What if the Divine is constantly igniting roadside flares to get our attention? What if there actually IS a Supreme Organizing Principle with a ribald and unbridled sense of humor? And what if we each have this ardent inner suitor who’s writing us love letters every day that often go unopened?”

What if indeed?

It’s natural to crave prosperity. Some seek to manifest it in myriad ways–using anything from vision boards to writing a pretend check for a million dollars from the Bank of Divinity. Yet whatever comes, or doesn’t, the mind always seems to want more.


But what if there was a whole other way? Instead of grasping and chasing, what if we offered everything–our money (or lack of it), our triumphs, our problems, our desires–fully back to Love? What if this offering itself was actually the secret to abundance?


Tosha Silver, internationally beloved spiritual guide, has created a practical and powerful financial book unlike any other. Leading you through a deeply transformative eight-week process, she shares the mental, emotional, and spiritual steps that anyone can take to learn to fully receive and prosper. Her step-by-step guidance is filled with prayers, meditations, and stories to help you find and heal the source of these fears and unworthiness. As you come to know you are part of something larger–something that you serve and that longs to serve you–you begin to feel a new sense of freedom and abundance.

Don’t have the book yet? Learn more and get your own copy!

Don’t have the book yet? Learn more and get your own copy!

Change Me Prayers-min

Change me Divine Beloved into one who can give and receive freely and be a clear vessel for your Light.”


Tosha Silver, with her characteristic wit, charm, and mix of passion and humor, shows you how to invite the Divine into your life to create change and transform from the inside out. Covering a variety of topics—from work to finances to self-worth—Change Me Prayers reveals how to truly surrender to a Divine plan in the most joyous and uplifting way.


At its heart, this book is a spiritual guide for anyone open to living in union with Love, even in times of difficulty or crisis, and includes a convenient “Change Me Prayers Quick Guide.” Tosha proves to be a profound, unique, and often hilarious guide to awakening. May the Divine permeate every part of your life!

Don’t have the book yet? Learn more and get your own copy!

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Change me Divine Beloved into one who can give and receive freely and be a clear vessel for your Light.”


Tosha Silver, with her characteristic wit, charm, and mix of passion and humor, shows you how to invite the Divine into your life to create change and transform from the inside out. Covering a variety of topics—from work to finances to self-worth—Change Me Prayers reveals how to truly surrender to a Divine plan in the most joyous and uplifting way.


At its heart, this book is a spiritual guide for anyone open to living in union with Love, even in times of difficulty or crisis, and includes a convenient “Change Me Prayers Quick Guide.” Tosha proves to be a profound, unique, and often hilarious guide to awakening. May the Divine permeate every part of your life!

Don’t have the book yet? Learn more and get your own copy!

Change me Divine Beloved into one who can give and receive freely and be a clear vessel for your Light.”


Tosha Silver, with her characteristic wit, charm, and mix of passion and humor, shows you how to invite the Divine into your life to create change and transform from the inside out. Covering a variety of topics—from work to finances to self-worth—Change Me Prayers reveals how to truly surrender to a Divine plan in the most joyous and uplifting way.


At its heart, this book is a spiritual guide for anyone open to living in union with Love, even in times of difficulty or crisis, and includes a convenient “Change Me Prayers Quick Guide.” Tosha proves to be a profound, unique, and often hilarious guide to awakening. May the Divine permeate every part of your life!

Don’t have the book yet? Learn more and get your own copy!

Change me Divine Beloved into one who can give and receive freely and be a clear vessel for your Light.”


Tosha Silver, with her characteristic wit, charm, and mix of passion and humor, shows you how to invite the Divine into your life to create change and transform from the inside out. Covering a variety of topics—from work to finances to self-worth—Change Me Prayers reveals how to truly surrender to a Divine plan in the most joyous and uplifting way.


At its heart, this book is a spiritual guide for anyone open to living in union with Love, even in times of difficulty or crisis, and includes a convenient “Change Me Prayers Quick Guide.” Tosha proves to be a profound, unique, and often hilarious guide to awakening. May the Divine permeate every part of your life!

Don’t have the book yet? Learn more and get your own copy!

Change me Divine Beloved into one who can give and receive freely and be a clear vessel for your Light.”


Tosha Silver, with her characteristic wit, charm, and mix of passion and humor, shows you how to invite the Divine into your life to create change and transform from the inside out. Covering a variety of topics—from work to finances to self-worth—Change Me Prayers reveals how to truly surrender to a Divine plan in the most joyous and uplifting way.


At its heart, this book is a spiritual guide for anyone open to living in union with Love, even in times of difficulty or crisis, and includes a convenient “Change Me Prayers Quick Guide.” Tosha proves to be a profound, unique, and often hilarious guide to awakening. May the Divine permeate every part of your life!

Don’t have the book yet? Learn more and get your own copy!

About Tosha

For the past 30 years, Tosha has taught people around the world practical ways to align with Inner Love. She is the author of Outrageous Openness, Change Me Prayers, and It’s Not Your Money. She lives in the Hudson Valley where she runs Living Outrageous Openness, an online forum that offers daily support to those who want to live these beautiful practices. For more information or to join click here. 

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